Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My α Journey: Faces

Another fun thing I love to do with my Alpha is capturing the expression of people I come about.

There are many different expressions which people(from the young to the old) show and usually we will forget the next day or probably in few hours.

With my Alpha, I am able to capture them (with luck of course sometimes) and get to browse them through once in a while when I'm bored. It's quite fun actually. haha. It makes you think back what happened during that moment.

Below are some photos I captured since I own this Alpha.

Me love shooting people who shoot me. hehe.


Above are Dagri Rinpoche, my grandparents and Venerable Sonam.

Above: Caught them staring at each other. =P jkjk
Below: Stone and nothing else better to do.

ahh.. what I like most. Happiness. =D

Lastly, who says we can only take portrait of human.. We shall not forget about the other sentient being around us..


p/s: Sony Alpha Convention in 3 days time. weeee... excited..

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